"BROKEN CAN BE BEAUTIFUL" - Fadlul-Hakeem Ariyo

Titles can be heavy as a burden

As all are not meant to be heroes

And some who are, could have been broken

But, broken can also be beautiful

Visions of the future,

A gigantic dream

Built on a frail foundation

Only to crumble against sturdy obstacles

But, broken can also be beautiful

Memories of the past,

A fragment of what has shattered

And devalued like a broken rim of antique vase

But, broken can also be beautiful

Pains of the present

Imprinted on the skin,

A cue to a fractured body

But, broken can also be beautiful

A broken heart,

A speck of dying star

In the frame of the sky

Still, broken are not necessary ugly

broken can also be beautiful...

Fadlul-Hakeem Ariyo is a young student who wishes to travel all spheres of life navigated by his love for words