"I Can't See Straight In Real Life Either" - Milena Bee

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Fuzz comes down,

Covers my eyes like wool

The light coming through 

Another mocking sort.

My hands are never close enough

I knock over what I attempt to fix. 

So, painlessly I drift from sharp corner to corner,

Bruised entrance into the void 

Also known as – awakening.

Mouth sewn shut in my dreams.

Chapped and scraped open, 

A wretched unbecoming,

This swelling and lessening

Like the passage of blood.

Gasps for air, for sight, for a relief

Which never comes;

Only passes by, the gift 

Of sunshine. 

Listen to Milena Bee read their poem.

Milena Bee is a poet and mythologist based in Los Angeles. In addition to having work featured in publications such as Beestung, Sad Girl Review, and Giallo, they're also the co-eic of All Guts No Glory. They're blind in one eye.