Peeling damp layers away from that speck of breeze
Moulting so, I first discovered vision
Parsing my shredded lining from this other thing
Blankets too, once you meet their edges.
Cradled in vision so, I first discovered touch
Digging my hands into everything, searching out edges
Peeling back earth, until I dug deep enough
To shrink the world into a rectangle of metal.
Captured so, I first discovered ugliness
Make it untouched now, make me untouched
Contain my vision to the first buds of
My birth and try it all again.
Without touch
Without mirrors
Without memory
And then maybe,
Without end.
Lucia Larsen is currently studying for her MSc in Environmental Management at the University of Stirling. Her recent work has appeared in Tealight Press, Neuro Logical, Tipping the Scales, and Fever Dream. She can be found on Twitter @mslucialarsen.